How does the shipping and delivery work?

As soon as you place your order, we'll send you an email confirming your order. We can't wait to get your gear ready for you, but please give us up to 72 hours to pack and prepare your order with care. Once it's all set to go, we'll send you a shipment confirmation email with a tracking number.

Additionally, you can track the status on the "Track Your Order" page.

What is the cost of shipping?

Not a cent! We ship all orders by Free Standard Shipping (with tracking). But for an additional fee, we offer additional features to the standard shipping such as Priority Processing (1-day processing time) and Shipping Insurance.

Where do you ship?

We currently ship to such countries as United States and Canada.

How long does it take to ship my order?

The order processing time is 1-3 business days. Once the order is processed, the parcel will be shipped. Delivery times may differ based on the country to which we're shipping. You can read more about the delivery time on the Shipping Policy page.

What if I'm not home?

If you're not home, a new delivery will be performed the next day or the delivery company will reach out to schedule a new delivery date depending on the country and delivery method you choose.

You may also have to go to your local post office to collect your package in case it cannot be delivered to you.

What if I entered the wrong shipping address?

We are not responsible if a package is undeliverable because of missing, incomplete, or incorrect destination information. Therefore, if you think that the address is incorrect, you should let us know immediately, as we can change the data before the order is fulfilled.


How do I track my order?

Once you have placed your order, we will send you a confirmation email to track the status of your order.

Once your order is shipped we will send you another email with tracking codes and a link to track your order (if the delivery method allows), as well as notify you of the expected delivery date.

Additionally, you can track the status of your order on the "Track Your Order" page. Either enter your order number and email into the field, or enter your tracking number into the field. If your tracking is not updated, please give it 1-5 days.

When will my tracking be updated?

Tracking can take up to 6 days to update, this does not mean that it has not shipped yet. It could be on route to you, sometimes there are just delays in the tracking.


What payment methods do you accept?

We accept credit/debit cards and digital payments such as Visa, Mastercard, American Express, PayPal, Apple Pay. You can choose these payment methods at checkout.

No matter which payment method you choose, you can shop with confidence knowing that your transaction will be secure and hassle-free. After all, we use an SSL certificate to protect your card information.

Which currency will I be charged in?

We currently only support the United States dollar (USD) for billing our customers.

If your credit or debit card uses another currency, your payment will be charged in USD at your bank's current exchange rate.

If you wish to pay in Canadian dollars (CAD), please visit our Canadian website and make your purchase there: https://voxidi-canada.com/.

Will I pay taxes for international shipping?

No worries! We've taken care of it. All taxes are included in our prices, so there are no surprises.


What’s your return policy?

30-day return period from the date of delivery. If you are not 100% satisfied within 30 days of delivery of our product, please contact us to arrange a return. If it is a defective product, we will send you a new one. Please note that the buyer is responsible for covering the return shipping cost.

What are the conditions for returns?

We accept returns under the following conditions:

- The item must have been purchased through our online store
- The item must not have been used in any way
- The return or exchange request is made within 30 days from the delivery date

To initiate a return, please email us at support@voxidi.com.


How can I place an order?

Orders can only be placed through our online store.

Can I change or cancel my order?

We can only change or cancel orders that have not yet been processed for shipping.

Once your order is under the status "preparing for shipping", "shipped" or "delivered", then we cannot accept any changes to your order.

To make changes or cancel your order, please reach out to customer support via e-mail at support@voxidi.com.

Is there a minimum order quantity?

No, there isn't!